Trust curiosity.


My personal blog, updated randomly, featuring travel, food, and updates.


Alabama Hills, California

Near Lone Pine off the 395 US Highway.


Alabama Hills is a dispersed camping semi-hidden gem! Many people come here for the iconic “movie road” insta pic. It’s a dirt road with Mount Whitney in the background… honestly, I agree with the hype on this one. I’ll admit, I’m guilty. I have been to Alabama Hills for the gram… like twice… oops. But, now I’ve also camped there! When it comes to the camping experience, a lot of the day visitors cleared out by sunset. So, dinner and after-hours campfire experience was phenomenal. There are no designated campsites, but it’s pretty obvious where others have camped in the past. We chose a nice spot up on a little elevated area where we could hide from the wind behind rocks, but also peek around the rocks and see Mount Whitney. After 4 nights here, I was never bored. There is so much to see just walking around the area or driving into Lone Pine for some funky nic-nacs.


I graduated!

  • Major: Cognitive Science

    With the ability to curate a course-load focused on consumer behavior, I transformed my B.A. in Cognitive Science into a business focused degree. I took the majority of my classes in the Marshall School of Business, which meant each course I took was relevant to the intersection of business and psychology. That overlap peaks my interest more than anything! I feel that is where critical customer data analysis can be done.

  • Minor: Technology Entrepreneurship

    How do you grow an idea into a business? As the focal point for my courses, this question guided class discussion, projects, and overall curriculum. Building a business is one thing, but I specifically studied how to involve technology in start-ups, no matter the industry. E-commerce, integrated digital marketing, and utilizing online analytics are my favorite ways to utilize technology as a tool. Every day in class was exciting to me.

  • Fight on!

    Being surrounded by the USC community was such an incredible and enriching experience. The school spirit and general love for our campus, professors, and peers made for the best college experience I could have imagined. There is a lot of brain-power among the student body, and I felt inspired each day. Having such smart, witty, and hardworking peers pushed me to be the best student I could.

  • My Favorite Memory

    I remember on the last day of classes during the spring semester my marketing professor stated we had finished the curriculum a day early. My professor shared his screen and did a mini lesson on how to mix music. As a house music lover, this was the best thing that could have possibly happened! This was the best last day of the hardest semester of my college career.


General Work History